

1. Un condamne a mort s'est echappe ou Le vent souffle ou il veut / A Man Escaped - Robert Bresson ; France
2. The Wrong Man - Alfred Hitchcock ; U.S.
3. The Searchers - John Ford ; U.S.
4. Soshun / Early Spring - Yasujiro Ozu ; Japan
5. Akasen chitai / Street of Shame - Kenji Mizoguchi ; Japan Mar. 09
6. Written on the Wind - Douglas Sirk ; U.S.
Aparajito - Satyajit Ray ; India

8. Elena et les hommes / Elena and Her Men - Jean Renoir ; France
9. Biruma no tategoto / The Burmese Harp - Kon Ichikawa ; Japan
10. Lust for Life - Vincent Minnelli ; U.S.
11. The Man Who Knew Too Much - Alfred Hitchcock ; U.S.
12. Miyamato Musashi kanketsuhen: khetto Ganryujima / Samurai III - Hiroshi Inagaki ; Japan
13. Le Mystere Picasso - Henri-Georges Clouzot ; U.S.
14. Giant - George Stevens ; U.S.
15. Friendly Persuasion - William Wyler ; U.S.
16. Invasion of the Body Snatchers - Don Siegel ; U.S.
17. The Killing - Stanley Kubrick ; U.S.
18. Moby Dick - John Huston ; U.S.
19. Forbidden Planet - Fred M. Wilcox ; U.S.
20. The Bad Seed - Mervyn LeRoy ; U.S.
21. Attack! - Robert Aldrich ; U.S.
22. The Harder They Fall - Mark Robson ; U.S.
23. The Day the World Ended - Roger Corman ; U.S.


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