

Feature Films
1. Tokyo monogatari / Tokyo Story - Yasujiro Ozu ; Japan
2. Ugetsu monogatari - Kenji Mizoguchi ; Japan
3. The Naked Spur - Anthony Mann ; U.S.

4. El / This Strange Passion - Luis Buñuel ; Mexico
5. Pickup on South Street - Samuel Fuller ; U.S.
6. Summaren med Monika - Ingmar Bergman ; Sweden
7. The Big Heat - Fritz Lang ; U.S.
8. The Hitch-Hiker - Ida Lupino ; U.S.
9. The Bigamist - Ida Lupino ; U.S. added Feb. 09
10. Beat the Devil - John Huston ; U.S.
11. I Confess - Alfred Hitchcock ; U.S.
12. Les Vacances de M. Hulot / M. Hulot's Holiday - Jacques Tati ; France
13. Gycklarnas afton / Sawdust and Tinsel - Ingmar Bergman ; Sweden
14. I Vitelloni - Federico Fellini ; Italy
15. Le Carrosse d'or / The Golden Coach - Jean Renoir ; France/Italy
16. Le Salaire de la peur / The Wages of Fear - Henri-Georges Clouzot ; France
17. Jigokumon / Gate of Hell - Teinosuke Kinugasa ; Japan
18. Thunder Bay - Anthony Mann ; U.S.
19. Roman Holiday - William Wyler ; U.S.
20. Stalag 17 - Billy Wilder ; U.S.
21. House of Wax - André De Toth ; U.S.
22. Shane - George Stevens ; U.S.
23. Stazione Termini / Terminal Station - Vittorio De Sica ; U.S./Italy

24. Peter Pan - Walt Disney, Clyde Geronimi, Wilfred Jackson, Hamilton Luske ; U.S.

Short Films
1. Les Statues meurent aussi / Statues Also Die - Chris Marker, Alain Resnais ; France


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