

1. Roma, citta aperta / Open City - Roberto Rossellini ; Italy
2. Detour - Edgar G. Ulmer ; U.S.
3. The Clock - Vincent Minnelli ; U.S.
4. Scarlet Street - Fritz Lang ; U.S.

5. The Southerner - Jean Renoir ; U.S.
6. I Know Where I'm Going! - Michael Powell ; UK
7. The Strange Case of Uncle Harry - Robert Siodmak ; U.S.
8. Les Dames du Bois de Bologne - Robert Bresson ; France
9. The Woman in the Window - Fritz Lang ; U.S.
10. The Picture of Dorian Gray - Albert Lewin ; U.S.
11. Tora no o wo fumu otokotachi / The Men Who Tread on the Tiger's Tail - Akira Kurosawa ; Japan
12. The Body Snatcher - Robert Wise, Robert U.S.
13. Spellbound - Alfred Hitchcock ; U.S.
14. Les Enfants du paradis / Children of Paradise - Marcel Carne ; France
15. Ivan Groznyj I / Ivan the Terrible, Part I - Sergei Eisenstein ; Russia
16. Dead of Night - Alberto Cavalcanti, Charles Crichton, Basil Deardon, Robert Hamer ; UK
17. Mildred Pierce - Michael Curtiz ; U.S.
18. Isle of the Dead - Mark Robson ; U.S. added 11/28/05
19. Blithe Spirit - David Lean ; UK
20 Brief Encounter - David Lean ; UK
21. Pursuit to Algiers - Roy William Neill ; U.S.
22. Conflict - Curtis Bernhardt ; U.S.
23. House on 92nd Street - Henry Hathaway ; U.S.
24. The Woman in Green - Roy William Neill ; U.S.


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