

Feature Films
1. Zero de conduite - Jean Vigo ; France
2. Dekigokoro / Passing Fancy - Yasujiro Ozu ; Japan added June 09
3. The Invisible Man - James Whale ; U.S.
4. Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse - Fritz Lang ; Germany
5. Duck Soup - The Marx Brothers, Leo McCarey ; U.S.

6. Tokyo no onna / Woman of Tokyo - Yasujiro Ozu ; Japan
7. Extase - Gustav Machaty ; Czech/Austria
8. Las Hurdes - Luis Bunuel ; Spain
9. Counsellor at Law - William Wyler ; U.S.
10. Liebelei - Max Ophuls ; Germany
11. Design for Living - Ernst Lubitsch ; U.S.
12. Island of Lost Souls - Erle C. Kenton ; U.S.
13. The Bitter Tea of General Yen - Frank Capra ; U.S.

14. The Ghoul - T. Hayes Hunter ; UK added 4/05/05
15. Little Women - George Cukor ; U.S.
16. King Kong - Cooper and Schoedsack ; U.S.
17. The Private Life of Henry the VIII - Alexander Korda ; UK
18. Dinner at Eight - George Cukor ; U.S.
19. A Study In Scarlett - Edwin L. Marin ; U.S. added 9/03/04

Short Films
1. The Fatal Glass of Beer - Clyde Bruckman ; U.S.


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