

Feature Films
1. Way Down East - D.W. Griffith ; U.S.
2. Prastankan / The Parson's Widow - Carl Th. Dreyer ; Seden/Denmark added 9/18/04
3. Der Golem - Paul Weggener ; Germany

4. Das Kabinett des Doktor Caligari / The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari - Robert Weine ; Germany
5. The Mark of Zorro - Fred Niblo, Douglas Fairbanks ; U.S.
6. The Saphead - Herbert Blaché ; U.S. added 8/04/05
7. Dr. Jeykll and Mr. Hyde - John Robertson ; U.S.
8. Outside the Law - Tod Browning ; U.S.

Short Films
1. One Week - Buster Keaton ; U.S.
2. Neighbors - Buster Keaton ; U.S.
3. The Scarecrow - Buster Keaton ; U.S.
4. Convict 13 - Buster Keaton ; U.S.


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